Quick Clean
$ 7.84
Quick Clean is an economical, hygienic and neutral cleaner for frequent tile cleaning. Quick Clean is easy and safe to use and is streak free. Quick Clean contains no harmful chemicals and is biodegradable. Quick Clean will not attack or break down sealers or polishes. Quick Clean may be used on any tile and hard surface including sealed surfaces. Quick Clean has a pleasant fragrance and is extremely economical to use due to the dilution rate.
Test in an inconspicuous area before continuing the application.
- Read all instructions and tips before the application so that you can plan the application correctly.
- Mask off any adjacent areas that need to be protected during the application.
- Mix the solution, apply the solution to the area using a mop, sponge or soft broom.
- Mop as necessary.
- Allow to dry.
Diluir de acuerdo con la tabla de arriba.
Hacer una prueba en un lugar poco visible para verificar la idoneidad del producto antes de comenzar la aplicación.
- Leer todas las instrucciones y consejos antes de su aplicación para que pueda planear la aplicación.
- Cubrir con cinta las superficies contiguas necesiten ser protegidas durante la aplicación.
- Mezclar la solución, aplicar la solución al área usando un trapeador de esponja o escoba suave.
- Trapear conforme sea necesario
- Dejar que seque.